Flugsvamp 4.0 Market URL
Date: 10, February, 2025
Status: Active
Nature abhors the vacuum, and since Flugsvamp 3.0 abandoned the Swedish buyers in October 2021, it was only a matter of time before Flugsvamp 4.0 would emerge. The successor appeared even faster than anyone would expect.
The platform was launched in November 2021, so it’s too early to pass a final judgement about it. However, they intend to put the major effort to create a safe, functional, and user-friendly trading place for those who suffer from the strict drug policy of the Swedish government (and foreign customers too, if the sellers are willing to ship internationally). Let’s see if they’re on the right track.
Basic Features & History
Name | Flugsvamp 4.0 |
Started operating | November 2021 |
Status | Running |
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption | Yes |
2 Factors Authentication (2FA) | No PGP, but you can set up a PIN code |
Escrow with Multisig | No |
Wallet-free payment | No |
Currency | Bitcoin (BTC) |
URL | http://fs4isvbujof355wj3hhsqahpvmwwjaq3s4mac4yrufrl26pxbzqjvzid.onion |
Short URL |
dark.pe/flug |
Of course, you’ve noticed that if this is Flugsvamp 4, there must have been three other attempts to create a successful Swedish drug-oriented marketplace. So, let’s take a look at the fate of the previous versions:
- Flugsvamp. Opened in February 2014, closed in November 2014 by the authorities.
- Flugsvamp 2.0. The one that managed to stay in business for the longest period of time, from April 2015 till the end of 2018.
- Flugsvamp 3.0. Started operating in February 2019 and almost hit the 3 years mark, but was shut down permanently in October 2021.
Honestly, darknet markets are bound to have a short lifespan. Yet, the dark web community adapts easily, so when one door closes, another one opens. Plus, the challenging COVID-19 times forced the majority of vendors to create accounts on multiple platforms. The only problem is that markets can still exit scam. That’s why many contemporary websites decide to install such security features as escrow with multisig option, wallet-free payment system, and strict withdrawal policy.
Originally, Flugsvamp 3.0 closed the platform for maintenance. Order placement was stopped, sellers were allowed to finalize their deals and withdraw the profits. It is uncertain, whether this was an intentional maneuver to avoid panic or they just decided there is no point in coming back, but in October 2021 Flugsvamp 3.0 seized its existence.
It’s easy to predict that the main vendors of Flugsvamp 3.0 have multiple accounts and can be found on other major drug selling darknet markets, such as Archetyp or Torrez Market. Surely, some sellers appeared on Flugsvamp 4.0 too, and seeing familiar faces is always a relief when you don’t know what shops can be trusted on a new marketplace. In addition, Flugsvamp 4 can be beneficial in some other ways, including:
- specialization solely in drugs;
- prices in domestic currency, quick delivery, local suppliers (for Swedish citizens);
- small community that is easy to observe and control;
- scammers might prefer a bigger fish or would be too lazy to translate the website.
It is a really great place if you’re from Sweden, but if you’re not, you might still want to give it a try. Markets like this usually offer a decent product range while allowing you to avoid the fuss and excessive complications of the popular trading platforms.
Before You Enter
Surely, you’re aware that buying or selling drugs is illegal, and you’re not thrilled with the perspective of legal prosecution. On the other hand, inability to get justice in case you get scammed is also discouraging. Thus, you might consider learning some dark web ground rules, if you want things to go smoothly.
- Open all the websites via Tor browser with disabled JavaScript (go to Settings and change Security Level to “Safest”).
- Use operating systems with advanced security & privacy protection capabilities, such as Tails or Whonix.
- Remember that your Tor browser or Tails system are for the darknet activities only and avoid casual browsing.
- Turn on your VPN and encrypt everything with your PGP keys.
- Don’t mention your personal data anywhere, including your username, passwords, PIN codes, etc.
- Store all the relevant security info in a place only you have access to.
Registration Process
Flugsvamp registration process is simple, plain, and anonymous. Even people with zero darknet experience can do it in a couple of minutes.
- Download and save Flugsvamp 4.0 PGP public key and mirrors. You’ll need the key to generate your private PGP key. Use the list of Flugsvamp onion links to verify the Flugsvamp URL you’re using. Remember, the correct address starts with fs4 and ends with .onion extension. Several phishing attempts have already been reported, so make sure that you have the real Flugsvamp 4.0 URL.
- Come up with a username (användarnamn) and a password (lösenord).
- Solve the captcha (you need to click on the circle).
- Complete the registration (Register here/Registrera dig här).
As soon as you enter the website, it would be wise to set up your PGP private key (you’ll need Flugsvamp PGP public key to do that) to encrypt and decrypt all of your communication here. If you don’t know how to do that, look for the “PGP-nyckel” in your profile (profil) and account (konto) settings. Plus, you might want to add a PIN code to your password protection as an additional security measure.
Evidently, the Flugsvamp 4.0 is still a work in progress. Hence, you might experience some glitches or technical difficulties, especially, if you’re using a Tor mobile app, but that’s understandable for a newly emerged platform. The administration claims to have a background in IT and security, so they should deal with these problems promptly.
Selecting a Product
You can see from the title and logo that Flugsvamp 4 decided to focus strictly on selling drugs. Therefore, you can find here almost any category you might be interested in, including the major ones such as Cannabis (grass, hash, etc.), Stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine, MDMA, ecstasy, etc.), Prescription drugs, like ADHD. Let’s explore what quality options Flugsvamp market 4.0 has in store for its potential customers.
- Cannabis. It is always the largest category on any darknet marketplace, and FS4 is not an exception. It has an impressive selection, here you can find it in any available form. Plus, the ratings look pretty encouraging.
- Amphetamine, ketamine, and cocaine also exhibit many decent options. However, check the ratings of ketamine carefully, you need to make sure that the supplier offers a real drug, not some fake or bad quality product.
- When it comes to heroin, the market offers only one option, and its rating is disappointing. Let’s hope the situation will improve with time, but now it’s not the best place to shop for this kind of drug.
Overall, the interface of the website is relatively simple and easy to navigate, even if you don’t know the Swedish language. If you look at the upper menu, you’ll see the most important sections, such as Market (Marknad), Orders (Beställningar), Messages (Meddelande), and Disputes (Dispyter). Click on the Market when you feel ready to start shopping.
You can choose the preferable categories from the menu on the left. The preview of every product shows its title, supplier’s name (säljare), the starting price (från), and rating. If you want to take a closer look, you can open the full product description by clicking the “Show” button (VISA).
Unfortunately, if you don’t know the Swedish language, you’ll have to do some translating because you need to make sure that the vendor is willing to ship abroad. Moreover, it’s better to study the reviews too, if you want to confirm that the product is worth the money.
Ordering & Payment
So, you’ve picked up all the items from your shopping list and are ready to place an order. Well, hold your horses. Dark web markets accept only cryptocurrencies, so all the parties involved in the transactions could remain private and anonymous. On Flugsvamp 4.0 you can make a deposit in Bitcoins (BTC). Of course, Monero (XMR) has enhanced privacy capabilities, but the marketplace is small, local, and new, so it’s understandable how Bitcoin can pass as a sufficient option.
This means that before placing an order, you need to acquire some BTC and transfer them to your Flugsvamp e-wallet. Here is a short and explicit guide on how to do it.
- Go to your account (click “Konto” in the right corner of the webpage).
- Find the deposit section (Insättning) and press the “Ny adress” button to generate the address you should send the cryptocurrency to.
- Copy that link and make a transaction.
- Make sure that you transfer just enough BTC to pay for the product and all the additional costs. Otherwise, you can lose all the remaining funds in case the platform’s administration exit scams. Plus, if you’re not from Sweden, be sure to double-check the amount you’re sending because all the prices are displayed in Swedish króna (SEK), so the calculations can be complicated.
Check your account and see if you have enough money to make a purchase. If everything is correct, you’re now ready to place an order.
- Open the product’s page.
- Select the amount/quantity you need.
- Click “Buy” (Köp).
- Fill in the delivery address/leveransadress (it doesn’t have to be your home address).
- Make sure your address is PGP encrypted.
- Wait for the package to arrive for a few days.
- Mark the order as “complete” as soon as you receive it. It’s a traditional escrow system, so the market stores your money and transfers them to the vendor only after you confirm that you got what you wanted. So, finalize it right away, don’t make the seller wait.
- If you aren’t satisfied with the goods, delivery, or anything else, you can initiate a dispute. Flugsvamp 4.0 doesn’t have a multisig feature, so getting a refund can be challenging. However, there is still a chance you’ll get your money. Plus, you might receive some other form of compensation.