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Forum / Discussion board has been implemented and current DDoS situation

Dear Royal Market customers, Starting today, you can discuss publicly into our Forum. We are proud to announce v1.0 of our Forum. Many changes will come into the future, stay tuned. You can created, edit, delete, like and dislike posts. Currently, posts and comments are manually approved by our moderation team to avoid scam and spam. Update to our current DDoS situation: We have been under serious attacks witch have currently stopped. We are working hard in finding a solution to fix this. We are not going anywhere, we have a long future ahead of us. Thank you and hope you like our new Forum, admin1.

2022-06-11 09:04:19 | by admin1

Dear Royal Market partners, friends and customers!

Royal was under meintenance for multiple hours because a large upgrade took place.

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully upgraded our marketplace and changed it to what you guys requested.


-Deposit ( Since we were offering only direct payment into our escrow system, now you can chose from either paying directly, with your market balance or combined. In order to make Royal purchase system more use friendly, we have implemented multiple functions and changes in how you can pay for your products, advertise them or upgrade your account )

-Withdraw ( In order to avoid abuse, we have removed the auto withdraw function for buyers or vendors that haver under 500 sales on other markets or Royal market. Now customers can request to withdraw their funds thru our new wallet page located at: /profile/wallet )

-Referral ( Referral system payouts are now credited directly into your market wallet where you can request to withdraw them at any time )

-Direct payment ( Direct payment can now be combined with market balance. If your market balance is insufficient, you will be redirected to the payment page where you will be asked to pay the remaining balance in order to cover the total cost )

-Notification ( Many new useful notifications has been added into our system in order to get you notified of incoming deposits, processed withdraws, order status updates and many others )

-Multiple pages layout changes ( Multiple page layouts including our homepage were succesfully changed )

-Market filter ( Our filter was update in order to offer all active vendors a chance of getting more orders )

-Disputes ( Layout totally changed and multiple functions added in order to keep disputes on track / additional changes will come in the future )


-In market wallet ( many customers requested this / you can now deposit coins into your market balance and purchase or withdraw )

-Auto withdraw ( enabled only to trusted vendors with more then 500 sales on other markets )

-Escrow auto finalize timer ( As many of you requested, to avoid being scammed or your order being automatically finalised based on our finalisation time, we have implemented a timer. Now you can go to your order details page and see in how much time your order will be auto finalised. Don’t forget to start a dispute if your order is about to auto finalize and you did not receive anything )

-Combined payment ( if you have insuficcient coins into your market balance and want to buy something, you will be redirected to the payment page where you will be asked to deposit the remaining in order to cover your total order cost )

-Wallet expire system both for direct payment and in market wallet ( now direct payment wallet address will expire in 3 hours and in market wallet will expire in 7 days if the system won’t see any payment coming in. There is no need to worry, if you haven’t paid enough, your once the payment expires, your paid funds will be added into your market balance )

-Pending deposit ( to make it easier and to offer transparancy, now once you will submit a deposit, it will be shown into your wallet page as Pending, even if it’s unconfirmed, until it reaches 3 Bitcoin network confirmations or 10 Monero network confirmations.

-Market filter has been fully upgraded. In order for all vendors to have a chance to be seen, now the market filter will reset each 12 hours and reposition its listings based on vendor activity, so vendors, make sure you will login constantly if you want your listings to be positioned higher into search or filter results


-Withdraws were either processed into your market balance or directly into your provided withdraw wallet addresses
-Deposits were automatically processed and credited either into your market wallet balance or directly into our escrow system if you have placed any order in the past 24 hours

Was something affected by this large update?
-No, we kept monitoring the market and no error or problem shown up. If you do experiene any sort of problem, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by support ticket or by messaging admin1 directly


-A brand new unique forum / discussion board, where we will be able to interract and communicate directly

-How vendors will create their product listings ( we will totally change how listings are added to make it more user friendly )

-Support system ( we need to improve it to better since we are experiencing a lot of tickets and need to be able to handle them better )

-Advertisment system ( we are planing in changing how vendors can advertise their products, shops or shout their messages to potential new customers )

-Bitcoin Multisig support

-And many more exciting futures, changers or bug fixes!

2022-05-07 02:31:25 | by admin1
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Shawnna Carlson
Shawnna Carlson
2 years ago

Please Fix your opening paragraph under NEWS. Toward the bottom where you state, “we have been under serious attacks ‘witch’ have currently stopped”. Please use the correct language. That word should be spelled as ‘which’ and not the one that flies around on a broom with a pointed hat that casts spells. It just changes the whole read. Thanks.
Also I attempted to change my rating to 3 stars after writing this and for whatever reason, would not allow me to do that. Stating, ‘you can not change your rating’. Frustrating. Never heard of such a thing. So now I will keep my one star rating.

1 year ago

DrVlarma on the royal market is a fraud he will rob you